Daniel November 8th, 2021 .NET 6 is now released! ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 includes everything you need to build rich modern web UI and powerful back-end services.What’s new? Here’s a sampling of the great new features and improvements in ASP.NET Core for .NET 6:Hot reload: Apply changes to Razor, C#, and CSS source files into your running app during development without the need to rebuild and restart the app.Minimal APIs: Create a new ASP.NET Core app with just a few lines of code using the latest C# f...

Tagi: net6
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Announcing ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - .NET Blog

Inne 1222 dni, 2 godziny, 17 minut temu Piotr Stapp 77 pokaż kod licznika zwiń

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