Strona głównaBazy danych i XML

Long long time ago in one of the posts … I briefly described CouchDB installation process on the local machine.IrisCouch If you don’t want to configure local database you can use IrisCouch hosting. You can get free database for basic tests. I am using this database hosting for one of the projects hosted in heroku. It is free for really basic usage. Now we can play with our new toy. Let’s start with some general concepts.Where are my tables ? Quick answer there are no tables. Data is stored in a form...

Tagi: CouchDB, NoSQL
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] CouchDB - First Steps | Passionate Programmer

Bazy danych i XML 4325 dni, 17 godzin, 21 minut temu michalfranc 112 pokaż kod licznika zwiń