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About two years ago I blogged about an upcoming experimental IO API in the .NET world - at the time provisionally called "Channels"; at the end of May 2018, this finally shipped - under the name System.IO.Pipelines. I am hugely interested in the API, and over the last few weeks I'm been consumed with converting StackExchange.Redis to use "pipelines", as part of our 2.0 library update. My hope in this series, then, is to discuss:what "pipelines" arehow to use them in terms of codewhen you might want to u...

Tagi: csharp
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[EN] Code, code and more code.: Pipe Dreams, part 1

Sztuka programowania 2447 dni, 11 godzin, 48 minut temu Piotr Stapp 25 pokaż kod licznika zwiń

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