Strona głównaSztuka programowania

This post is secod part of my Back to basics: on test­ing series.Devel­op­ers writ­ing tests Peo­ple new to soft­ware, or com­ing from orga­ni­za­tions where all test­ing is done by ded­i­cated peo­ple often find the idea of devel­op­ers doing test­ing bizarre. After all, we're the highly trained, edu­cated pro­fes­sion­als. We get payed to do the hard bits. Click­ing around the UI to see if a label is mis­aligned or an app crashed surely ...

Tagi: testowanie
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] On Testing: Why write tests? | Krzysztof Koźmic on software

Sztuka programowania 4422 dni, 11 godzin, 37 minut temu Paweł Łukasik 61 pokaż kod licznika zwiń

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