Strona głównaSztuka programowania

Us, devel­op­ers, are a bit like that comic strip (from always great xkcd): We can end­lessly debate over tabs ver­sus spaces (don't even get me started), whether to use optional semi­colon or not, and other seem­ingly irrel­e­vant top­ics. We can have heated, informed debates with a lot of merit, or (much more often) not very con­struc­tive exchanges of opinions. I men­tion that to explic­itly point out, while this post might be per...

Tagi: IoC/DI
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[EN] To constructor or to property dependency? | Krzysztof Koźmic on software

Sztuka programowania 4563 dni, 18 godzin, 22 minuty temu Paweł Łukasik 89 pokaż kod licznika zwiń

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