Strona głównaDaj się poznać 2017

Dawid Sibiński 0 comments dajsiepoznac2017 Today I’d like to say “hello” to the programming competition Daj Sie Poznac 2017 (en. Get Noticed)  which I decided to take part in. For those who don’t know, DSP is organized by Maciej Aniserowicz, the owner of blog, and it’s already its third edition this year.Basic concept of DSP Long story short, the main concept behind DSP is to develop an open-source project of any kind, in any technology, in the same time sharing your know...

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Hello DajSiePoznac2017 ! – Dawid’s blog

Daj się poznać 2017 2935 dni, 9 godzin, 42 minuty temu dsibinski 138 pokaż kod licznika zwiń