- Artykuły z tagiem Maciej Jedrzejewski

Maciej "MJ" Jedrzejewski – Your AI & Software Consultant in SwitzerlandHomeAbout meMastering Strategic Domain-Driven Design After all the previous steps, we are ready to continue our journey and try to prepare the first draft for splitting the Fitness Studio domain into several subdomains. But there is still a long way to go. First, let’s try to define what a subdomain is. Every business operates in some business domain – we all know that. To keep it efficient, it is usually divided into different a...

Mastering Strategic Domain-Driven Design – 3. Draft of Subdomains – Maciej "MJ" Jedrzejewski – Your AI &  Software Consultant | Schweiz

Architektura niedziela, 1 października 2023 08:37:41 GMT jedmac 13 spam? źrodło rozwiń

Oh boy, here we go again. Every time we build software, we operate in an area called a domain. It is something that describes our business. It can be:E-commerce – this domain can include online shopping, product catalogue, order processing, payments and many other smaller partsTaxes – in this domain we can find areas like income tax, corporate tax, tax compliance or tax policy...

Mastering Strategic Domain-Driven Design – 2. The Domain – Maciej "MJ" Jedrzejewski

Architektura niedziela, 6 sierpnia 2023 09:47:57 GMT jedmac 15 spam? źrodło rozwiń

Years ago I wanted to start learning Domain-Driven Design. It was quite a popular topic, many of my colleagues were discussing it. The problem, as always, was where to start. I decided to ask one of my old mentors. He told me, “MJ, there is a great book about DDD called the Blue Book. Go and read it and everything will be clear. There is nothing better on the market”. “Well, it m...

Mastering Strategic Domain-Driven Design – 1. The Beginning – Maciej "MJ" Jedrzejewski

Architektura 597 dni, 14 godzin, 52 minuty temu jedmac 260 źrodło rozwiń

In recent years, I have encountered many problems in IT companies caused by incorrect software architecture. What do I mean ? In most cases, this is one direction – either it is too trivial or incredibly complicated in relation to the problem it is supposed to solve. Both cases lead to performance problems and stop the organization from being agile.What do I mean by software architecture? Before I start talking about the problems caused by...

Why Good Software Architecture Matters: The Impact on Performance and Agility

Architektura 792 dni, 14 godzin, 29 minut temu jedmac 163 źrodło rozwiń

Recent years have been marked by microservices. Who among you hasn’t heard of them? They were everywhere – at conferences, groups, job listings, coffee talks, and blog posts. At some point it got to the point where if you weren’t working on a system composed of microservices, it was kind of a problem – you felt the world was getting away from you, and your colleagues were in another galaxy. Someone found a silver bullet for the design of IT systems. On the other...

Dillema 1: Monolith or microservices? – Me About Software

Architektura 968 dni, 13 godzin, 1 minutę temu jedmac 152 źrodło rozwiń

Accurate estimates are a well-known problem in the world of IT. We always try to reach a level where all items that were estimated become equal to actual implementation. I know this is upsetting but there is no option to achieve it. Of course, sometimes you will perfectly fit it. Still, it is usually over – not bad for your business, but customers might spot that this project is a bit expensive – or under – bad for your business – estimated. Based on my experien...

Story 6: Stress more…or forget about time estimates – Me About Software

Inne 1017 dni, 13 godzin, 58 minut temu jedmac 68 źrodło rozwiń

Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking at 2 programming events – World Engineering Days and one of the biggest software conferences in Poland, 4Developers. During both speeches, I talked about many different things related to the modern way of software development – continuous deployments, short-living branches, canary releases, and more. All are linked to the short feedback cycle. One of the side topics was vertical slices. What is a vertical slice? Before we ...

Story 5: Eat it all at once…or just a slice? – Me About Software

Sztuka programowania 1067 dni, 14 godzin, 51 minut temu jedmac 58 źrodło rozwiń

~ MJIQueryable W przypadku IQueryable, wszystkie wyniki najpierw odfiltrowujemy po stronie bazy danych, a następnie przekazujemy do aplikacji.IEnumerable W przypadku IEnumerable, wszystkie wyniki z bazy danych najpierw ładujemy do pamięci, a następnie odfiltrowujemy po stronie aplikacji. W przypadku zapytań do bazy danych, dużo lepszym pomysłem będzie stosowanie IQueryable, ponieważ można skorzystać z dobrodziejstw SQL, co znacznie przyspieszy szybkość działania zapytania oraz zmniejszy ruch wewną...

IQueryable vs. IEnumerable – odczyt z bazy danych | maciejjędrzejewski

Sztuka programowania 2937 dni, 3 godziny, 22 minuty temu jedmac 248 źrodło rozwiń