- Artykuły z tagiem RestEase

In my last post, I wrote about great HTTP client for .NET Core called RestEase and I showed how to use it as a simple proxy between API Gateway and microservice. Today I’ll present how this library can also simplify writing part of integration tests.  Unit test vs integration test I assume that for some of you the term „integration test” may sounds odd, therefore I’d like to explain it first to avoid the possible confusion with a unit test later in this artic...

Dziel się z innymi:
Writing integration tests for ASP.NET Core app with xUnit, RestEase and TestHost - Forever F[r]ame

Sztuka programowania 2605 dni, 7 godzin, 22 minuty temu dpawlukiewicz 152 źrodło rozwiń

There are some common questions when it comes to microservices. One of them is „how to forward request from API gateway to the particular microservice?”. There’s no rule of thumb here because everyone has a slightly different approach, but the most popular solution I know is:For writes, so creates, updates and deletes (CUD) create a command and publish it to the service bus based on a queue like RabbitMQ.For reads (GET) forward the HTTP request to the internal API (not p...

Dziel się z innymi:
Microservices, HTTP forwarding and RestEase - Forever F[r]ame

Programowanie rozproszone 2613 dni, 8 godzin, 42 minuty temu dpawlukiewicz 162 źrodło rozwiń