- Artykuły z tagiem algorithms

Zastanawiałeś się może kiedyś w jaki sposób biblioteki do wyrażeń regularnych wyszukują wzorce w teksie? Jeżeli tak to ten artykuł jest dla Ciebie. Uprzedzam kod w Javie, ale tym lepiej bo algorytm i tak warto napisać samemu żeby lepiej zrozumieć :D

Tagi: algorithms
Dziel się z innymi:
Matching regexes using backtracking

Sztuka programowania 1712 dni, 2 godziny, 54 minuty temu asciiBlade 68 źrodło rozwiń

I wrote there about what this type of regression is and showed how it can be implemented in F # using the ML.NET library.

Dziel się z innymi:
Poisson Regression using F# and ML.NET | bush_dev

Inne 1805 dni, 13 godzin, 2 minuty temu bush_dev 19 źrodło rozwiń

How to check if a number is a power of two

Dziel się z innymi:
How to check if a number is a power of two

Inne 2633 dni, 1 godzinę, 37 minut temu asciiBlade 193 źrodło rozwiń

Let's assume you are considering using Cassandra for logs storage or in general, for time series storage. You are well prepared - asked google extensively. Yet, there is a trap waiting to kill your cluster in few weeks after lunch.

[EN] Cassandra logs/time series storage design - optimal compaction strategy

The hardest problem on HackerRank, sorted by Max Score and level "Expert" is Separate The Chocolate. It's worth 250 points and the level "Expert" is the highest one. How to solve it?

[EN]: Dynamic Programming and the hardest problem on HackerRank

This time solving a HackerRank problem, rated as a medium in difficulty. As before, in 5 easy steps.

[EN]: Dynamic Programming in 5 easy steps - Examples - Two Robots

Dynamic Programming series continuation. Something harder this time: Given a set of positive integers, divide it into two sets such that the absolute difference between their sums is minimum. Solution in 5 easy steps!

[EN]: Dynamic Programming in 5 easy steps - Examples - Set partitioning

Dynamic Programming is considered as one of the hardest methods to master, with few examples on the internet. Let's contribute a little with this post series. Today I will cover the first problem - text justification. Credits: MIT lectures.

[EN]: Dynamic Programming in 5 easy steps - Examples - Text Justification

Do you know the trees used in Cassandra, Git, Bitcoin or Lucene? Check this post to find interesting trees, usually not covered on Computer Science lectures.

Tagi: algorithms
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN]: Algorithms and data structures - non-academic trees

How many timers are in the .NET Framework? What assumptions do they have? Which timer would you use for implementing Speculative query execution?

[EN]: Little-known, useful, charming and beautiful algorithms - part 2