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|Search MSDNSearch all blogsSearch this blogSign in This week in Azure This week in Azure Your ultimate Azure news source&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;&##x2605;Tomek Wisniewski0000 Platform UpdatesMondayWe announced a bunch of improvements to Azure SQL Data Warehouse which include loading, monitoring, ...

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This Week in Azure – February 15, 2016 | This week in Azure

Web 3313 dni, 31 minut temu wisnia 11 źrodło rozwiń

This post describes how to minimize overhead when developing systems with microservices architecture, especially as it comes to development and deployment. Some time ago, we published similar post about solving this problem in Microsoft and Azure world. This time we will focus on AWS, Java, Spring Boot, Docker and some useful open source libraries from Netflix.

[EN] Microservices with minimum overhead using Spring Cloud, Docker and AWS ECS | Future Processing

Inne 3340 dni, 8 godzin, 21 minut temu FutureProcessing 101 źrodło rozwiń

This is the second one of two posts concerning approach to build cost effective, but prepared for scaling, systems using ASP.NET Web API and Azure.

[En]Microservices with minimum overhead using ASP.NET Web API and Azure – part 2 – Deployment | Future Processing

Architektura 3458 dni, 14 godzin, 30 minut temu FutureProcessing 175 źrodło rozwiń

This is the first one of two posts concerning approach to build cost effective, but prepared for scaling systems, using ASP.NET Web API and Azure. In the era of building systems that aim to provide services at global scale, requirements for scalability and high availability are becoming our bread and butter. What is more, it is absolutely normal that stakeholders want first shippable version of software as soon as possible.

Microservices with minimum overhead using ASP.NET Web API and Azure – part 1 – Architecture | Future Processing

Architektura 3473 dni, 1 godzinę, 40 minut temu FutureProcessing 170 źrodło rozwiń

Before Web Jobs The convenient way of hosting websites on Azure is to host them as a PaaS (Platform as a Service) way. Then, there is no need to worry about details of virtual machines or application managements and OS updates as ‘someone’ is taking care of that for us. Current Azure compute instances can be divided into three main categories:Web Role – front-end/web server instancesWorker Role – back-end/.Net application instancesVW Role – virtual machine instances The first two are supplied with VHD ...

Tagi: .Net, ASP MVC, Azure, cloud
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Microsoft Azure Web Jobs - introduction | Future Processing

Inne 3763 dni, 13 godzin, 42 minuty temu psz750 83 źrodło rozwiń

Recently Microsoft Azure introduced the New D-Series Virtual Machine Sizes. The “greatest” available VM has 16 cores, and 112 GB RAM. I thought it would be cool to create one, and play with it for a while. Not for a month, because that would cost almost $1000 (~700-800 EURO). However, what is cool about Azure – you can scale VM down when you are not using it. Even to the cheapest option – A0 Basic (~10 EURO / ...

Tagi: Azure, cloud
Dziel się z innymi:
[EN] Running the greatest VM on Azure - Jakub Jedryszek

Inne 3770 dni, 13 godzin, 21 minut temu jj09 81 źrodło rozwiń

Recenetly I was exploring Windows Microsoft Azure. Here are the best resources I found, and strongly recommend to get familiar with this powerful cloud platform.

Tagi: Azure, cloud
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[EN] Azure tutorials to get started - Jakub Jedryszek

Web 3815 dni, 15 godzin, 9 minut temu jj09 95 źrodło rozwiń

A to niespodzianka…serwery w chmurze czasu nie liczą – czyżby były tak szczęśliwe? Wracając do meritum sprawy…jeżeli macie kilka…dziesiąt serwerów w Azure, które robią coś razem zauważycie mały problem… niezgodność czasu. W przypadku serwerów jakie mamy w projekcie PlaceChallenge, to było od 2 do 47 sekund – powiedziałbym, że dość dużo. Po rozmowie z miłym Panem z Indii wiadomo co jest problemem… problem to Hyper-V, który hostuję te maszyny. Hyper-V (wirtualizator) ma problem z odpowiednim synchro...

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Azure i jego problem z liczeniem czasu–czyli jak nauczyć chmurę, że każda sekunda ma znaczenie | Marcin Borecki - Making a difference everyday

Architektura 4247 dni, 21 godzin, 49 minut temu mborecki 127 źrodło rozwiń

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