Od pewnego czasu, jeśli potrzebuję stworzyć nową aplikację, robię to przy użyciu Angulara. Zauważyłem, że w wielu aplikacjach tworzonych w ten sposób wykorzystuję te same techniki, frameworki a co za tym idzie (prawie) ten sam kod. Jako, że mój zmysł estetyczny sięga dna, na dodatek od spodu, w zdecydowanej większości angularowych aplikacji wykorzystuję Material Design (https://material.angular.io) Często szukam kodu, który potrzebuję, albo w poprzednich aplikacjach, albo klasycznie, na st...
Welcome to the twenty-third episode of my course “Becoming a software developer” in which we will focus on the vast topic of DevOps which is all about building, testing and deploying the application. And we will use Docker to help with the overall process.
Paczka wartościowych materiałów, które możecie znaleźć w sieci. Jeżeli chcesz zapoznać się z pozostałymi ciekawymi linkami możesz zrobić to tutaj.
Last time we talked about creating indexes. We also searched for some data in our index in some easy manner. Today I would like to focus on other search-alike operations – bool queries.
Daj się poznać 2017 2836 dni, 59 minut temu 96 źrodło rozwiń
Welcome to the eighteenth episode of my course “Becoming a software developer” in which we will finalize the basic CRUD for the Driver type, implement extension methods for the repository and build custom middleware in order to deal with exceptions.
Welcome to the seventeenth episode of my course “Becoming a software developer” in which we will mostly talk about the boundaries and responsibilities of the application services. Eventually, we will implement some helper code to automatically assign the authenticated user id to the given command.
Welcome to the sixteenth episode of my course “Becoming a software developer” in which we will implement the login endpoint in our API, discuss the caching mechanism and how to initialize the application with basic data.
I have quite a good news for everyone who’s been following my programming course. “Becoming a software developer” will receive 8 additional episodes, which is going to result in the total number of 24. Wondering why? Here are the main reasons why 16 episodes will not be sufficient enough.
Welcome to the thirteenth episode of my course “Becoming a software developer” in which we will make use of the Command Handler pattern in order to extend our business logic and clean up the controllers.
Welcome to the tenth episode of my course “Becoming a software developer” in which we will start designing our domain and services.
Welcome to the seventh episode of my course “Becoming a software developer”, which is all about the importance of testing your code in general.
Prepare backend environment and working ASP.NET Core project with memebership system