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Tomiks | użytkownik

4268 dni, 4 godziny, 55 minut temu
8 lipca, 2013

Currently a huge number of projects is driven by TDD. (...) In average we spend more than 50% of our time developing front-end side of the app (JavaScript etc) but having in mind, that TDD is only applicable to back-end code. As a ReSharper user I’ll show how easy it is to set up a proper solution with another level of unit testing. (..) Let’s pick out the ColorCalculator as the target. This is a “class” that is responsible for calculating color values between RGB and HEX.

Unit testing JavaScript in VisualStudio with ReSharper | chrisseroka

Narzędzia 4258 dni, 23 godziny, 1 minutę temu http://krzysztofmorcinek.wo... 104 źrodło rozwiń