W poprzednim wpisie wspomniałam o narzędziu Cypress, które umożliwia nam uruchamianie testów z poziomu przeglądarki dzięki czemu bardzo przyjemnie się z nim pracuje. Dziś pokażę Wam jak pisać testy i jak je uruchamiać.
„The web has evolved. Finally, testing has too.” These words welcome us on the main page of the Cypress.io project, a new framework used to create the E2E tests in web applications. In my opinion, this statement is extremely accurate, and I would like to explain why I believe so.
Sztuka programowania 2394 dni, 1 godzinę, 27 minut temu 79 źrodło rozwiń
Piotr Szymura software engineer, open source contributor, crypto/blockchain enthusiast, try hard guitarist, starcraft fan FollowWrocław Email Twitter LinkedIn GitHub Stackoverflow TestCafe TestCafe has lately become one of the most popular E2E testing tool in js/browser world. End to end testing gives a confidence booster, especially when we doing something tricky and still we want to support shenanigans like IE11. Let’s jump in...
A method to test application on multiple browsers
Introduction to my new course about testing
The best language for writing end-to-end tests and how to choose it wisely