Creating music app using azure functions
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Piotr Szymura software engineer, full-stack developer, open source contributor, crypto/blockchain enthusiast, try hard guitarist, starcraft fan FollowWrocław Email Twitter LinkedIn GitHub Stackoverflow Learn http client once again this time via netstat This is not a guide to: How to use HttpClient in your app ? But rather how to use netstat and how TCP connections are behaving in different code scenarios. Below examples will show...
Good to know javascript snippets
Sztuka programowania 2247 dni, 1 godzinę, 26 minut temu 201 źrodło rozwiń
Piotr Szymura software engineer, open source contributor, crypto/blockchain enthusiast, try hard guitarist, starcraft fan FollowWrocław Email Twitter LinkedIn GitHub Stackoverflow TestCafe TestCafe has lately become one of the most popular E2E testing tool in js/browser world. End to end testing gives a confidence booster, especially when we doing something tricky and still we want to support shenanigans like IE11. Let’s jump in...
Piotr Szymura software engineer, open source contributor, crypto/blockchain enthusiast, try hard guitarist, starcraft fan FollowWrocław Email Twitter LinkedIn GitHub Stackoverflow Wrapping callback hell with TaskCompletionSource Ever wanted to turn callback style async code to awaitable form? You might use TaskCompletionSource for it.classProgram{staticvoidMain(string[]args){Run();Console.ReadLine();}staticasyncTaskRun(){CallbackStyle...
Architektura 2584 dni, 22 godziny, 7 minut temu 72 źrodło rozwiń
Let start right off the bat with quick overview what etcd is:distributed key/value store with failover mechanismheavily uses disk but also use in memory cacheAP regarding CAP theoremsequential consistency ( the strongest consistency guarantee availa...
Architektura 2614 dni, 18 godzin, 33 minuty temu 51 źrodło rozwiń
Piotr Szymura software engineer FollowWrocław Email Twitter LinkedIn GitHub Stackoverflow Not so hot way Typical structure for example project looks something like this:components/ TodoList.js containers/ TodoContainer.js reducers/ todoReducer.js actions/ todoActions.js constants/ todoContants.js selectors/ todoSelectors.js sagas/ todoSaga.js index.js Files are grouped by technology roles not by features....
Using strong wildcard You can reserve all hostnames on given port. Thing to remember is that even if there is another service that is reserving url on the same port without wildcard - all http requests will go anyway to service that is using strong wildcard. Sometimes example is more than thousand words://Service #1using(We...
Do You ever wanted to run C# code in a scripty inline way to check if code will execute the way you want? This could be especially useful when you don’t have powerful visual studio with repl(interactive) and You are writing C# in something lightweight like vs code. I decided to write this post because installing scriptcs is cumbersom...
ConnectionManagement is a property found in app.config that allows to put a limit on number of connections to a specific host at tcp level. This affects http calls, every one of these need estabilished tcp connection “underneath”, client needs to reuse or open a new port to listen for the response fr...