The following tutorial is dedicated to all Excel professionals who are looking for solutions to optimize their daily work. There are more and more data to be processed every day in relatively short period of time, and here comes for help the Visual Basic for Applications.
How many times you've been thinking about better organization of your daily work? Starting from really basic stuff like tea time ending with automatic scripting work repeated frequently. Let me share a short list of improvements I've found thinking on that. Maybe you've got some other ideas?
Sztuka programowania 3583 dni, 13 godzin, 51 minut temu 351 źrodło rozwiń
The ETag or Entity Tag is a part of HTTP protocol used for caching purposes. In the simplest way ETags are strings that help browser to identify and validate cache. Like almost everything the ETags can be inefficient while configured incorrectly. So let's have a closer look at them..
ASP.NET MVC by default ships with two view engines: Web Forms and Razor. When we are creating a new ASP.NET MVC application both are being included in the application startup. Even when you are working with Razor only ASP.NET MVC resolves named views by searching for files that match the Web Forms view engine's naming convention at first. What can we do to change that and reduce the time needed to return a view to the end user? Let's have a look!
Each time we are creating application with some kind of menu it is nice to have the basic functionality to highlight selected menu item. There are some solutions you can find in the Internet, however each time I've tried to use one it hasn't been working perfect. So let's create our own in three steps!
Main menuMain pageAboutContact Share article via: You have web application administration panel and want to display data from Google Analytics in custom view, instead of opening the Google Analytics? Noting simpler! Google offers great API thanks to which we - developers, can get almost anything in easy way. Let's have a look how to get the PageViews number of our site from certain time period..
There are a lot of discussions in the Internet about the sense of testing the code with private accessors. In my opinion all of the discussions coming from the wrong understanding of the topic. What is unit testing? It is a testing of units, not classes, not methods exposed by some API. The term private is supposed to be private to the consumer, not to unit tests. Let's have a look at it closer..
Sztuka programowania 3991 dni, 11 godzin, 59 minut temu 117 źrodło rozwiń
All about the null-coalescing operator (better known as ??) in C#.
In this video you can find answers to the following questions: what is unit test? when to write unit tests? how to write unit tests? what is a Test Driven Development?
Sztuka programowania 4050 dni, 21 godzin, 22 minuty temu 130 źrodło rozwiń